
Simple Present

Before doing the exercise, let’s review the simple present tense.

Grammar Rules


Ask yourself this simple question. “What do you do every day?” Think for a moment and write down your answer. Part of my answer is shown below.
  • I wake up early every morning.
  • I have breakfast at 7 a.m.
  • I usually train in the afternoon. 
  • I always go to bed after midnight.
If you look at the verbs used in each sentence, they follow a pattern. In fact, none of them has changed and they all use the basic format. That’s exactly what we’re here for, and the most important thing you need to know about the English simple present tense. 

How do we form the simple present tense?

As I said at the beginning, this part is actually quite easy to master. Use the base form of the main verb (infinitive without “to”) to form simple present tenses (e.g. do, eat, have, sleep, etc.). The suffix ‘-s’ is only added to verbs used in the personal singular, i.e. the pronouns ‘he’, ‘she’, ‘it’. Otherwise, the main verb always remains the same and its base form does not change. Here are some examples.
  • I have two dogs.
  • He runs 5 miles every day.
  • We take the same bus every morning.
  • He is the eldest son of his family. 


We use verb 1 (or base verb) when the subject is I, We, You or They.  


  • I work.
  • We work.
  • You work.
  • They work.

We use verb 1 (or base verb) + –s, -es or –ies when the subject is She, He or It.


  • She works.
  • He works.
  • You work.
  • It works.
  • She watches TV.
  • He cries a lot.


We make negative sentences in the simple present by adding do not (or don’t)  or does not (or doesn’t) before verb 1.

  • I / We / You / They do not work.
  • He / She / It does not work.


We make questions in the simple present by using Do or Does and verb 1.

  • Do you work?
  • Where do you work?
  • Does she work?
  • Where does she work?

Spelling Notes:

We add -s to the verb when the subject is in the third person singular (she, he, it).


  • She writes.
  • He sleeps early.
  • It works.

We add –es if the verb ends in –ss, –ch, –sh, –x, or –o.


  • She misses her family.
  • He watches horror movies.
  • She washes the dishes in the afternoon.
  • It mixes fruits well.
  • She goes home at 2 p.m.
  • He does his homework in the morning.

We change the final –y to –i and add –es when the –y is preceded by a consonant letter (not a vowel).


  • carry becomes carries
  • try becomes tries
  • worry becomes worries

We do not change the final –y when the letter before it is a vowel (a, e, i, o, u)


  • play becomes plays
  • employ becomes employs
  • buy becomes buys


We use the simple present tense to express:

– facts and permanent truths

  • The sun rises in the east.

– repeated actions (habits and routine)

  • I make my bed before I go to school.

– situations in the present

  • She works at a big company.

– scheduled events/actions in the future (timetables)

  • The train leaves at 10:00 a.m.

– feelings, senses, and cognitive states

  • I love traditional food.
  • The place smells good.
  • I understand spoken German.

Time to practice!

Complete the following sentences with the simple present form of the verbs given.

Welcome to your Simple Present

1. I the car every day. (wash)

2. My father sports at a primary school. (teach)

3. The farmer the plants every morning. (water)

4. My friends busy because they have exams. (be)

5. My roommate three languages. (speak)

6. My mother usually early in the morning. (get up)

7. she a teacher or a nurse? (be)

8. The next class at 10 o’clock. (start)

9. My brother to work on foot. (go)

10. We sometimes lunch at college. (eat)

11. She usually chess with her friends. (play)

12. The baby when it feels hungry. (cry)

13. My friend’s name Maria. (be)

14. Our neighbors from Iraq. (be)

15. I in a nice apartment near the university. (live)

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