
Infinitive of Purpose Exercise

How to teach the infinitive of purpose?


Teaching the infinitive of purpose, which is often used to express the reason or purpose for an action (e.g., “I study to learn”), can be engaging and effective with a structured approach. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

1. Introduction to the Infinitive Form
Explain the Concept: Start by explaining what an infinitive is (the base form of a verb, usually preceded by “to”). Mention that the infinitive of purpose answers the question “Why?”.
Examples: Provide examples such as:
“She went to the store to buy milk.”
“He is studying hard to pass the exam.”
2. Contextual Examples
Real-Life Scenarios: Use examples that are relatable to the students’ everyday lives. For instance:
“I went to the gym to exercise.”
“They are saving money to travel.”
Classroom Interaction: Ask students to come up with their own sentences using the infinitive of purpose.
3. Practice Activities
Matching Exercise: Provide two columns, one with actions and one with purposes. Students match the action with the correct purpose, for example:
Action: “He woke up early.” Purpose: “to catch the train.”
Sentence Completion: Give students incomplete sentences that they have to finish with an appropriate infinitive of purpose. Example:
“She went to the library ___.” (Possible answer: to study)
Pair Work: In pairs, students ask each other questions using “Why?” and respond with the infinitive of purpose. For example:
“Why did you come to school early?”
“I came to school early to finish my homework.”
4. Creative Writing
Short Story or Dialogue: Ask students to write a short story or dialogue that includes several sentences using the infinitive of purpose. For instance:
“Mark went to the supermarket to buy some snacks because he wanted to invite his friends over to watch a movie.”
5. Error Correction and Feedback
Peer Review: Have students exchange their written work with a partner to check for correct use of the infinitive of purpose.
Class Discussion: Review common mistakes together and provide feedback.
6. Review and Reinforcement
Quick Recap: At the end of the lesson, quickly recap the main points, emphasizing how the infinitive of purpose is used.

Assign a task where students must use the infinitive of purpose in various contexts, such as writing about their weekend plans.
Tips for Success:
Visual Aids:

Use charts or diagrams to show the structure of sentences using the infinitive of purpose.

Incorporate different types of exercises to cater to various learning styles (visual, auditory, kinesthetic).
Real-World Application: Encourage students to notice and use the infinitive of purpose in their daily lives.
This approach combines explanation, practice, and creative application, making the concept both clear and memorable for students.

Rewrite the sentences using an infinitive of purpose.


He is learning French because he wants to work in France.

He is learning French to work in France.

Welcome to your Infinitive of Purpose Exercise

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